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by Rachel


Instagram9位科技女孩进行技术采访的主要技巧 (Top tips for technical interviews from nine of Instagram’s tech girls)

My job-hunt came to an end a few weeks ago. After endless phone interviews, coding challenges, and on-sites, I got three Software Engineering job offers. (More on that in another post). I started preparing in November, after graduating from my Master’s in Computer Science program. So I had three months of failing, being frustrated, and getting rejected (aka learning and getting better).

几周前,我的求职工作结束了。 经过无休止的电话采访,编码挑战和现场,我得到了三个软件工程职位。 (更多内容请参见另一篇文章)。 从计算机科学硕士课程毕业后,我从11月开始准备。 所以我经历了三个月的失败,沮丧和被拒绝(也就是学习和变得更好)

I’m over-flowing with advice right now about things I did wrong and didn’t understand when I started interviewing. I wanted this post to be mostly tips and advice on attitude, approach, and what matters, not a “what to study” guide. So, I asked some of the ladies behind my favorite Instagram accounts to collaborate with me (some of whom have conducted technical interviews themselves).

我现在对有关我做错了事以及开始面试时不了解的事情的建议过多。 我希望这篇文章主要是关于态度,方法和重要事项的提示和建议,而不是“学习内容”指南。 因此,我请一些我最喜欢的Instagram帐户背后的女士与我合作(其中一些女士自己进行了技术面试)。

当涉及到我们目前的工作/实习面试时,我们每个人都有独特的见识和经验,因此希望这篇文章是全面的。 它来自世界各地的各个行业和职位的女性工程师。 (Each of us have unique insights and experiences when it comes to interviewing for our current jobs/internships, so hopefully this post is well-rounded. It comes from female engineers from all over the world, in a range of industries and positions.)

So here goes:


1.雷切尔:你可以做你自己。 (1. Rachel: You can be yourself.)

Rachel (me — on Instagram) is a new grad with a M.Sc. in Computer Science from University College London. She’s a GSoC-er (Google Summer of Code), and Community Lead for She++ London. She’s Irish, but has lived all over (Paris, London, San Francisco, North Carolina). Rachel is moving back to the west coast for her first Software Engineering job soon, and is obsessed with MedTech and all things health.

Rachel(我上的 )是拥有硕士的新毕业生。 伦敦大学学院计算机科学博士学位。 她是GSoC-er(谷歌代码之夏)和She ++ London的社区负责人。 她是爱尔兰人,但到处居住(巴黎,伦敦,旧金山,北卡罗来纳州)。 雷切尔(Rachel)很快将回到西海岸,开始她的第一份软件工程工作,并且沉迷于MedTech和所有健康问题。

The most honest piece of advice I can give based on my experience is that you can be yourself.


I cringe a little when I think back to my first on-site. Not because of my performance on the technical questions, but because I felt like I couldn’t be myself.

当我回想起我的第一个现场时,我有些畏缩。 不是因为我在技术问题上表现出色,而是因为我觉得自己做不到。

Getting ready that morning, I wore my glasses, no make-up, hair up, and the most drab clothes I could find. I thought I’d blend in more. Fast forward to my most recent interview with a big tech company, and I’d adopted a “screw it” attitude. I put on the leather jacket I wear every day, hair down, and all of my usual make-up. I felt like myself, and not like a rigid-phoney who was supposed to fit whatever stereotype I thought they wanted. It went great.

那天早上准备好了,我戴着眼镜,没有化妆,没有梳头,没有找到我能找到的最单调的衣服。 我以为我会融入更多。 快进我最近对一家大型科技公司的采访时,我采取了“拧螺丝”的态度。 我穿上了我每天穿的皮夹克,扎了头发,然后平常化妆。 我觉得自己像我自己,而不是一个僵硬的人,他应该适合我认为他们想要的任何定型观念。 一切顺利。

I learned a ton from this interview. I found that “being yourself” extends beyond just personality and appearance. Before I started interviewing, I imagined being asked questions I had zero clue how to answer, and how easy it would be to freak out when sitting across from an interviewer. But I realized that having the confidence to frankly say “oh, I don’t actually know” felt relaxed and natural. In this case, the question was “what’s the difference between TCP and UDP protocols?” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

我从这次采访中学到了很多东西。 我发现“做自己”不仅限于个性和外表。 在开始面试之前,我曾想过要问的问题是,我对回答的线索不为零,坐在面试官对面时,很容易陷入困境。 但是我意识到,有信心坦率地说“哦,我实际上不知道”会感到轻松自然。 在这种情况下,问题是“ TCP和UDP协议之间有什么区别?” ¯\ _(ツ)_ /¯

But what hopefully feels equally relaxed and natural is having the confidence to tackle coding questions you’d never dreamed of solving in a 30-minute session, in a logical, coherent way (instead of panicking).


I’ve gotten asked really hard technical questions over the past few months (think >4.5 on Geeks for Geeks), but I now understand that their purpose was to assess how I thought and how I approached hard problems.

在过去的几个月中,我已经问过非常棘手的技术问题(对于Geeks for Geeks,认为> 4.5),但是我现在知道,他们的目的是评估我的想法以及如何解决棘手的问题。

In this case, the interviewer explicitly stated that I didn’t necessarily have to write code — just talk it out, and figure out how to get a solution. So, give them what they want! Talk out loud immediately, before you’ve stared at the problem silently and come up with a solution. Interviewers are interested in how you got there — not always how quickly or perfectly.

在这种情况下,面试官明确表示,我不必一定要编写代码-只需大声说出来,然后找出解决方案。 所以,给他们他们想要的! 在您静静地凝视问题并提出解决方案之前,请立即大声说出来。 采访者对您如何到达那里很感兴趣-并不总是那么快或完美。

Bottom line: staying cool, and understanding that you don’t have to be perfect is key.


2. Lea:外部化您无法控制的内容。 (2. Lea: Externalize what is out of your control.)

Lea (she/her) is a software engineer currently at Google on Local Search and Google Maps. Stanford Computer Science alumna, and former intern at Apple and Facebook. She is the Founder of , an intersectional feminist photo series modeled after Humans of New York.

Lea(她/她)是Google本地搜索和Google Maps上的软件工程师。 斯坦福计算机科学学院的校友,曾在苹果和Facebook实习。 她是的创始人,这是一个以纽约《人类》为蓝本的女性照片系列。

Do practice technical interviews with a friend. Ask a peer to play “interviewer” for an hour so you can practice white-boarding algorithms in front of another person. Research projects at the company you’re applying for and be prepared to talk about them with an interviewer.

和朋友一起练习技术面试。 要求同伴扮演“面试官”一个小时,这样您就可以在另一个人面前练习白板算法。 您正在申请的公司中的研究项目,并准备与面试官讨论这些项目。

Do network, or whatever that means to you. Even if you don’t know anyone at the company you’re applying to, find a recruiter’s email online and ask for application tips or a tour of campus.

做网络,或对您意味着什么。 即使您不认识要申请的公司的任何人,也可以在线查找招聘人员的电子邮件,并询问申请技巧或参观校园。

As a candidate, you are entitled to have your questions answered, and you’d be surprised how many people are willing to help you. I once asked an engineer I didn’t know to give me a tour of Twitter, and they did it. I didn’t even have a Twitter.

作为候选人,您有权回答您的问题,而您会惊讶地发现有这么多人愿意为您提供帮助。 我曾经问过一个我不知道给我介绍一下Twitter的工程师,他们做到了。 我什至没有Twitter。

Don’t break any furniture at the tech companies you’re invited to. I knocked over a vase, spilled my coffee, and broke a bathroom stall door all in the span of one on-site interview. This company will remain unnamed.

不要在被邀请的科技公司破坏任何家具。 在一次现场采访中,我敲了一个花瓶,倒了咖啡,摔坏了浴室的门。 该公司将保持不变。

Do externalize the things that are out of your control. There are so many systemic injustices at play in the technical job market that can adversely affect the way you are treated as a candidate, especially if you’re a person of color, fem/femme, TGI (transgender, genderqueer, intersex), and/or differently abled.

不要将您无法控制的事情外化。 技术工作市场上存在着太多的系统性不公正现象,会对您被视为候选人的方式产生不利影响,特别是如果您是有色人种,女性/女性,TGI(变性者,性别同性恋者,双性恋者)以及/或能力不同。

While I was at Stanford, I heard everything from friends being referred to by the wrong pronoun after correcting their interviewer multiple times to having interviewers pay inordinate amounts of attention to their hair or clothing.


So, if you feel like you’re being evaluated for anything besides your ability to code and work with a team, the problem probably isn’t yours. Remember that.

因此,如果您觉得自己除了具有编写代码和与团队合作的能力以外,还需要评估其他方面的问题,那么问题可能就不在您了。 记住这一点。

Do internalize your successes and little victories, which you are in control of. If you performed well on an interview, own it and feel good about it. If you didn’t, just learn and take away from it what you missed. Try your best the next time.

做内化你的成功和胜利的小,你在控制。 如果您在面试中表现出色,请拥有它并对此感到满意。 如果您没有这样做,那就学习并从中获得您错过的东西。 下次再试。

3.圣人:提出对您重要的问题。 (3. Sage: ask questions that matter to you.)

Sage Franch, aka , is a developer, blockchain educator, entrepreneur, and creator of tech lifestyle blog TrendyTechie.ca. She specializes in blockchain, mixed reality, and cognitive computing, and is passionate about leveraging emerging technologies to build a better future.

Sage Franch,又名 ,是技术生活方式博客TrendyTechie.ca的开发商, 链教育者,企业家和创建者。 她专注于区块链,混合现实和认知计算,并热衷于利用新兴技术来打造更美好的未来。

An interview is not a test that you pass or fail, it’s an opportunity for both you and the company to determine if you fit well together.


It’s common knowledge that you should ask questions during your interview — but don’t ask questions just because you think you should. Ask what you want to know.

在面试过程中应该问一些问题是常识,但不要仅仅因为认为自己应该问而提出问题。 询问您想知道什么。

Before the interview, make a list of the things that need to be true about the job for you to take it. Is company culture important to you? The programming languages or operating systems they use? The gender ratio on the team?

面试之前,请列出您要从事的工作所需要具备的真实条件。 公司文化对您来说重要吗? 他们使用的编程语言或操作系统? 团队中的性别比例?

These are the questions you should be asking. And when it comes to the coding component, explain your thought process throughout. The critical thinking skills you demonstrate are more important than perfect syntax.

这些是您应该问的问题。 谈到编码组件时,请全面解释您的思考过程。 您展示的批判性思维技能比完美语法更重要。

4.艾莉森(Alison):面试官希望看到您的热情。 (4. Alison: interviewers want to see your passion.)

Alison is a front-end application developer for a healthcare solutioning company. Outside of her 9 to 5, she is a lingerie model and is enrolled in The George Washington University Master’s of Cybersecurity Engineering program. She is an assistant instructor at as well as a member of .

Alison是一家医疗保健解决方案公司的前端应用程序开发人员。 在9到5岁之间,她是女性内衣模特,并入读了乔治华盛顿大学的网络安全工程硕士课程。 她是在助理教练以及成员 。

I was really suffering with imposter syndrome when I started my interview process as a front-end developer, because I was fresh out of a bootcamp. A friend gave me a really awesome piece of advice that I will never forget.

当我以前端开发人员的身份开始面试过程时,确实患有冒名顶替综合症,因为我刚从训练营中退出。 一位朋友给了我一个很棒的建议,我将永远不会忘记。

“It’s really easy to find someone to do the job. But it’s very difficult to find someone who’s passionate about the work they’ll be doing. And that’s what I look for when I interview for new team members.”
“找人做这项工作真的很容易。 但是,很难找到对他们将要从事的工作充满热情的人。 这就是我面试新团队成员时要寻找的东西。”

That advice propelled me to make an effort to display my passion on my resume and to be able to discuss it in person.


So besides studying code, I contributed to online platforms writing about my experience in tech, attended meetups to network and learn new skills, began freelancing to build a portfolio, and offered to volunteer at organizations looking for help teaching others simple coding skills.


After being hired at my current job, I found out that even though I still had a lot to learn code-wise, they chose to bring me on the team because I displayed a lot of passion and excitement to learn and grow as a new developer.

在被我目前的工作录用后,我发现尽管我仍然需要学习很多代码方面的知识,但他们还是选择将我带入团队,因为我对学习和成长为新开发人员表现出了极大的热情和激动。 。

5.斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie):交谈,而不是采访。 (5. Stephanie: Have a conversation, not an interview.)

Stephanie is a computer science major at Occidental College, a small liberal arts college in Los Angeles. She has had experience at companies like Google, Facebook, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and soon Twitter.

斯蒂芬妮是西方学院的计算机科学专业,西方学院是洛杉矶的一所小型文科学院。 她曾在Google,Facebook,NASA喷气推进实验室以及不久的Twitter等公司任职。

Technical interviews are mentally exhausting! I’m still learning tips and tricks on how to survive them. Here are a couple of the most useful things I’ve learned from them:

技术面试真是令人筋疲力尽! 我仍在学习如何生存的技巧和窍门。 这是我从中学到的一些最有用的信息:

#1 Think out loud — This is probably the most common/generic piece of advice that people will give you for technical interviews (but it doesn’t make it any less important). Say everything you’re thinking, no matter how silly you think you sound. This gives the interviewer an idea of how you think about problems, but more importantly, helps them figure out ways to help you!

#1大声思考-这可能是人们在进行技术面试时会给您的最常见/最通用的建议(但这并没有使它变得越来越重要)。 说出您想的一切,无论您认为自己听起来多么愚蠢。 这使面试官可以了解您如何看待问题,但更重要的是,可以帮助他们找到帮助您的方法!

#2 Ask questions — Interviews are **not** final exams, and you’re supposed to tell the interviewer when you’re confused. My common phrases in interviews were “what do you mean?” and “can you give me an example?” It does you and the interviewer no good if you’re stuck on something, and software engineering/coding is all about collaboration. Just like in the real workplace setting, you would ask another engineer for help when you’re stuck!

#2提问-面试不是“期末考试”,当您感到困惑时,您应该告诉面试官。 我在采访中常说的是“你是什么意思?” 和“你能给我一个例子吗?” 如果您停留在某些方面,这对您和面试官都没有好处,而软件工程/编码全都与协作有关。 就像在真实的工作环境中一样,遇到困难时,您会向另一位工程师寻求帮助!

#3 Have a conversation, not an interview — This is an approach that I’ve recently taken and has helped me so much with my nerves.


It’s intimidating to be explaining your thought process to a smart, successful engineer. Try to imagine that your interviewer is a friend who needs help and you have to walk them through the question.

向一个聪明,成功的工程师解释您的思考过程真是令人生畏。 试想一下,您的面试官是一位需要帮助的朋友,您必须引导他们解决问题。

Because that’s exactly what you’re doing. Treat them as an equal and be as casual and relaxed as you need to be to make sure that only possible thing holding you back is your computer science knowledge.

因为那正是您在做什么。 平等对待它们,并像您需要的那样轻松随意,以确保使您受挫的唯一可能是计算机科学知识。

Remember, the fact that you were able to score a technical interview is already an amazing achievement in itself. Keep calm, be yourself, and prep in advance to ensure that you give it your all when the time comes! :)

请记住,您能够获得技术面试成绩本身就是一个了不起的成就。 保持镇定,做个自己,并提前做好准备,以确保在时机成熟时全力以赴! :)

6. Robyn:您可以公开是否需要特殊的住宿。 (6. Robyn: you can be open about needing special accommodations.)

Robyn Silber is a software engineer with a master of science in computer science. She currently works for a startup that creates VR apps to help children on the autism spectrum.

Robyn Silber是一名软件工程师,拥有计算机科学理学硕士学位。 她目前在一家创业公司工作,该创业公司创建VR应用程序以帮助自闭症儿童。

A lot of companies in the US have created initiatives to hire more neuro-diverse and differently-abled individuals. If you have a disability, disclose it on your job application. For your technical interviews, disclose your disability to the recruiter and request extra time. The amount of extra time should be based on the testing accommodations you received in school.

美国许多公司已经制定了计划,以聘请更多具有神经多样性和能力不同的人。 如果您有残障,请在您的工作申请中披露。 对于您的技术面试,请向招聘者披露您的残障情况,并要求额外的时间。 额外时间的长短应根据您在学校获得的考试适应性而定。

During my experiences interviewing, I felt accepted as someone on the autism spectrum.


In some cases, the companies asked for documentation. I re-used my “letter to professors” from my college’s disability center that explained my accommodations.

在某些情况下,公司要求提供文件。 我在大学的残疾中心重复使用了我的“给教授的信”,解释了我的住宿情况。

Surprisingly, that letter was taken more seriously by potential employers than it was by a number of my college professors. Your disability is confidential, so your interviewer won’t be notified as to why you receive extra time. Despite this, I almost always disclosed the reason to my interviewers.

令人惊讶的是,这封信被潜在的雇主比我的一些大学教授更加重视。 您的残疾属于机密信息,因此不会向您的面试官通知您为什么您会获得额外的时间。 尽管如此,我几乎总是向面试官透露原因。

Each time, I was met with respect and appreciation for my openness.


Awareness and advocacy are important, especially in the workplace. Don’t be ashamed to ask for what you need in order to succeed. Now’s our time.

意识和倡导很重要,尤其是在工作场所。 不要为获得成功所需的要求而感到羞耻。 现在是我们的时间。

7.约翰娜:您的“大声思考”不一定是完美的! (7. Johna: your “thinking out loud” doesn’t have to perfect!)

Johna Rutz spends her workdays developing custom software solutions for clients at and her weekends with friends searching for specialty coffee shops around Dallas.

Johna Rutz的工作日主要是为客户开发定制的软件解决方案而周末则与朋友一起在达拉斯附近寻找特色咖啡店。

As a student, I was terrified of technical interviews because I’m terrible at rote memorization. But as someone who’s had the chance to observe interviews with candidates, my viewpoint of them has completely changed.

作为一名学生,我对技术面试感到恐惧,因为我死记硬背。 但是,作为一个有机会观察候选人面试的人,我对他们的看法已经完全改变了。

Don’t be afraid to get the answer wrong. Unless you’re professionally certified in a language, no one expects you to have an encyclopedic knowledge of a certain language, framework, or algorithm. It’s cool that you’re up to speed on all of Java 8’s syntax, but all that tells me is that you memorize things well.

不要害怕弄错答案。 除非您经过某种语言的专业认证,否则没有人会期望您具有某种语言,框架或算法的百科全书知识。 您可以掌握Java 8的所有语法,这很酷,但是,这告诉我的是,您要记住得很好。

Instead, practice thinking out loud. If you can explain your problem-solving thought process to your interviewer, it demonstrates two things. First, if you’re stuck, you’ll be able to explain your problem and thought-process to someone trying to help. Second, you’ll be able to explain logic to less-experienced people who ask for your assistance.

相反,练习大声思考。 如果您可以向面试官解释解决问题的思维过程,则可以说明两件事。 首先,如果您遇到困难,可以向尝试提供帮助的人解释您的问题和思考过程。 其次,您将能够向经验不足的需要您帮助的人解释逻辑。

Be humble about your skills and ask for help if necessary. It is better to get 90% of the way to the correct answer and be talking the whole time than to sit in silence and get the answer 100% wrong.

谦虚地掌握自己的技能,并在必要时寻求帮助。 最好是让90%的人获得正确的答案并一直说话,而不是静静地坐下来使答案100%错误。

8.克里斯蒂娜:能够深入谈论过去的项目。 (8. Kristina: be able to talk in-depth about past projects.)

Kristina Balaam is an Application Security Engineer with Shopify. She builds web and mobile security tools and helps discover vulnerabilities in the existing platform.

Kristina Balaam是Shopify的应用程序安全工程师。 她构建了Web和移动安全工具,并帮助发现了现有平台中的漏洞。

It’s important to be able to demonstrate your passion through past work experience or projects. If you’re a recent grad or self-taught, personal projects are just as important! If you work full-time, just be able to discuss recent work with clarity and enthusiasm.

重要的是要能够通过过去的工作经验或项目来展示您的激情。 如果您是应届毕业生或自学成才,个人项目同样重要! 如果您全职工作,则可以清晰,热情地讨论最近的工作。

As an interviewer, the best discussions I’ve had with candidates have been when they’re able to easily (and excitedly!) chat about projects they’ve worked on — what they enjoyed about those projects, what they learned, and what they found most challenging. Projects — whether personal or work-related — are also a great way you can stand out in your application. While I was in university, a professor told our class about three students who developed a game as part of their assignment. One of those students demo’d the game during an interview with a game development studio. He mentioned that he had worked on the project with two friends. All three of them were offered positions!

作为一名面试官,我与应聘者进行的最佳讨论是,当他们能够轻松(并兴奋地)谈论他们从事的项目时–他们对这些项目的享受,所学到的东西以及他们所学的东西发现最具挑战性。 项目(无论是个人的还是与工作相关的)也是在应用程序中脱颖而出的好方法。 当我上大学时,一位教授告诉我们班上的三名学生,他们开发了一款游戏作为作业的一部分。 其中一位学生在接受游戏开发工作室的采访时演示了游戏。 他提到他曾与两个朋友一起从事该项目。 他们三个都被提供了职位!

9. Olivia:软技能可以让您与众不同。 (9. Olivia: Soft skills are what can set you apart.)

Olivia Shanley is a software engineer with a degree in Computer Engineering and a love for animals, social justice, and good coffee.

Olivia Shanley是一位软件工程师,拥有计算机工程学位,并且热爱动物,社会正义和优质咖啡。

The most important advice I can give isn’t technical. When it all comes down to it, technical skill more or less comes a dime a dozen. With the rate that the industry changes, languages and frameworks come and go all the time, especially in web development.

我能提供的最重要的建议不是技术性的。 归根结底,技术技能或多或少会变成一角钱。 随着行业变化的速度,语言和框架一直在不断变化,特别是在Web开发中。

In the often cut-throat world of software engineering, soft skills are what set you apart. Qualities like adaptability, eagerness, and creativity, along with being a critical thinker and team player, are what make you stand out in a sea of equally talented and qualified candidates.

在软件工程界经常遇到的棘手问题中,软技能使您与众不同。 像适应能力,渴望和创造力这样的特质,以及成为批判性思想家和团队合作者,使您在具有同等才​​干和资格的候选人中脱颖而出。

In your interviews, make sure to ask questions and engage the interviewer. Explain your thought process and tie in any relevant knowledge that you can.

在面试中,请务必提出问题并吸引面试官。 解释您的思维过程,并结合所有可能的相关知识。

If you’ve self-taught, worked on any personal projects, or have had any experience working in a team, make sure to put emphasis on that.


Ask questions about the team dynamic and office culture, too — after all, you’re interviewing the company just as much as they’re interviewing you.


Showing that you’re interested in these things helps lets the interviewer know that you care not only about the potential for your own career growth, but how you can grow with the company as well.


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如果您有其他主题的想法/建议,请给我发送电子邮件,电子邮件为secretlifeofcode@gmail.com。 (If you have ideas / suggestions for other topics you’d like to be covered — shoot me a mail at secretlifeofcode@gmail.com.)

谢谢阅读! ❤ (Thanks for reading! ❤)




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